On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 22:47, Sumeet wrote:
> we are looking for experienced php/mysql programmers full time freelance...
> should be at least 1 year experienced, knowing pear libraries and having 
> worked on several projects.
> please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> quote your charges and the time that you will be available. also mention 
> msn or yahoo ids. skype id is more welcome.

What about a MUD? I'm usually logged into a mud. It's a great place for
my clients to come chat with me about projects. There's nothing like
talking about deploying some web project when suddenly a brawl breaks
out between the trolls and gnomes. Seriously though :)

    telnet wocmud.org 4000

Life has been good, I've never had a client force a messenger on me. Who
needs constant paging when there's work to do. And yes, some of them do
log into the MUD to talk about projects :) We enjoy a nice keg of ale
while we chat. Email is the communication of choice, phone if something
is urgent.

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