This is part of what I need.
You found all of the phrases (e.g. all of the strings inside " ")
But I also need all of the words that are not inside " ".


-----Original Message-----
From: tedd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 6:46 PM
To: Weber Sites LTD;
Subject: Re: [PHP] RegExp for preg_split()

At 6:16 PM +0200 4/28/06, Weber Sites LTD wrote:
>I'm looking for the RegExp that will split a search string into search 
>while taking " " into account.
>From what I managed to find I can get all of the words into an array 
>but I would like all of the words inside " " to be in the same array 


Not knowing exactly what you want, this will sort out the "phrase strings".

$string = 'Medaillons, Listels, "custom stuff", "more things", entryway,
accents, showplace'; echo("$string <br/>"); preg_match_all ('/".*?"/',
$string, $matchs); foreach($matchs[0] as $matchs)
    echo("$matchs <br/>");



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