On Fri, April 28, 2006 11:55 am, IG wrote:
> I have recently moved over to a managed dedi server and no can ask my
> host to change my php.ini.
> I have found out that the 'display_errors' in the php.ini is set to
> off
> and error file logging is off.

Do they have .htaccess turned on?

Because you can set all this stuff in an .htaccess file...

> I would like to be able log to file which is easy to do from the ini
> file but also to show a custom error page if there is an error on one
> of
> the pages.
> I thought I would be able to use a custom error handler such as -
> ob_start();

You do not need, nor even want probably, ob_start() just to be able to
use a custom error handler.

It doesn't HURT, mind you, but it's not needed at all.

> // custom error handler
> function e($type, $msg, $file, $line) {
> blah blah
> ob_end_clean();
>     // display error page
> exit();
> }
> set_error_handler("e");
> But all I get is a blank page.

Well, unless your "blah blah" section outputs something, all you COULD
get is a blank page.

> Does having display_errors off mean
> that
> I can't use a custom error handler?

No, not at all.

> I have also tried adding
> *set_ini*('*display_errors*','1') but this keeps giving me a blank
> page.

What are all those * characters in there?  Get rid of them.

> Can someone tell me the best (and most secure way) of having custom
> error pages in php. Ideally I would like it all set from a central
> place
> so that i only need to change one file for all the websites on our
> server.

.htaccess, if it is on, will do this, and not require you to remember
to 'include' the error_handler on every script.

> I didn't really want to change display_errors to on as I was
> told this wasn't very secure-

That is correct.

It is too likely to expose too much information to Bad Guys.

> i don't want error messages on any of my
> pages, I just want a simple error 500 server error page.


Okay, now we are in a different kettle of fish...

I dunno that you CAN force a "500 server error" from within PHP...

I guess there ought to be a function for that somewhere, but I've
never noticed it...

It would probably be documented or linked from or discussed in the
User Contributed notes at http://php.net/header though, if it does

Would you settle for a nice HTML output like:

<p class="error">An error has occurred. Please try again later.</p>

Because that's pretty much a no-brainer with the error handler -- But
you have to actually output that.

I think your basic problem right now is the assumption that PHP exit()
with no content output would somehow constitute a 500 server error.

It doesn't.

There's nothing inherently "wrong" with the webserver returning a
totally blank document, really.  Well, okay, by strict definitions of
HTML w3c standards, it's not valid HTML.

But it's also not a 500 error either.

As far as Apache is concerned, the document is "fine" and returns a
200.  It just happens to be an empty/blank document is all.

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