Ross wrote:

> On this page
> I use the following code to donwload binary data. It is jsut gibberish. I
> think the offending line is echo "<a class=\"pdflinks\"
> href=\"$link\"</a>$name</span>";

Seeing as you are echoing a simple html anchor, I can see no reason why the
pdfs don't download in the correct fashion. Have you tried - just for
testing purposes - trying it in HTML to see if it downloads? If that does
not work it could be that your server is sending the wrong MIME type.

You have a few typos in the html by the way, which can't be helping ...

<a class=\"pdflinks\"> href=\"$link\"</a>$name</span>

should be

<span><a class\"pdflinks\" href=\"$link\">$name</a></span>

I doubt it will work as you have it here.

You can also use something like this to open files requested in a form, to
avoid HTML altogether. For the sake of full disclosure, a friend wrote this
PHP, not me, but it works!

if(isset($_POST["openfile"])) //filename choice passed from HTML form
$openfile = $_POST["openfile"];
$pdf = "/path/to/pdfs/$openfile"; // the pdf to use
$newname = basename($pdf); // remove the directories
$size = filesize($pdf); // get the size of the file
header("Content-Length: $size"); // send the size
header("Content-Type: application/pdf"); // mime type
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$newname"); // force
//download as newname
readfile($pdf); // output file

The file will be downloaded without the user seeing the location.


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