On 5/3/06, Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am trying to create a simply rule so that when someone goes to:


They are redirected to:


But am a bit lost looking through all the docs.  I know people do this
the time so am looking for some help.

mod_rewrite: A Beginner's Guide to URL Rewriting

[aha moment]
I finally get it. PHP developers are the smartest people on the planet
and therefore we know and use everything. JavaScript, Java, C++, SQL,
network management, Apache internals, women and even PHP. That is why
people come on this list to ask questions totally unrelated to PHP even
if they try to relate it to PHP by including the URL of a PHP page
within the request.


So I am going to change my attitude. I will answer all questions that I
can, knowing that if I fail someone else on the PHP list will pick up my
slack....because we know everything and we should share.

I wonder if PHP developers should start wearing special robes or sit on
a designated hilltop somewhere? If we do get robes, can they be blue?
(It'll bring out the color in my eyes and go well with my pickup truck.

Why didn't this occur to me sooner? I could have solved several other
things without sarcasm or reservation. I could have been more
'enlightened'. My journey will have to start now....
[/aha moment]


Anthony Ettinger
Signature: http://chovy.dyndns.org/hcard.html

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