On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 00:24 +0200, Rory Browne wrote:
> I'd like to rectify this, but I can't think of a suitable project. I'd like
> to do something new / useful as opposed to a glorified "Hello World"
> demonstration.

Depends on your interests. I would say, join an established project and
contribute in such a way that you can definitely say "Thats my code". 

<blatent punt of my project>

I would say, take a look at http://avoir.uwc.ac.za and send me a mail
off list to get going. Nice thing with this project/framework is that it
is completely modular, so you can definitely claim that you wrote the X
module for it. Its also for a good cause (education in Africa, so you
can still sleep at night. If you would like some additional info,
contact me off list.

</blatent punt of my project>


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