Ryan A wrote:

When i started on the net I was told that if sending
than 256 characters via a form to use a POST instead
of a GET method, now that I am playing with URL
rewriting I wanted to know if member served me right,
but searching via google I see that IE takes up to
2040-2083 characters in a GET, another article warns
that it varies from server to server too..

I'm sure quite a few of you must be fiddling with URLs
nearly every day so a little of your feedback would be

- Do you stick within the 256 character mark? (or my
memory is false anyway and that limit never existed)

- Till what character (eg: 200) do you push it and
still feel safe?

- Any idea if apache bitches if the url string is too
long? (will be searching via the SEs for this, but if
you know the answer it would confirm it for me)

- Anything else you wish to add pertaining to the


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My results , with a little modification of your script, this.

8192 chars
Apache 2.0.51

2084 chars
IE 6.0
Apache 2.0.51

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