On Wednesday, May 10, 2006 6:08 PM GMT,
Jason Gerfen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

IraqiGeek wrote:

Hi all,

I'm somewhat new to php, though I have played a bit with the
language. I'm currently learning the language, and I'm having a
problem passing variables through "URL query". Here is what I have:

A simple HTML file that contains:
<A HREF="test.php?var=test"> Hi, this is a test! </A>

and a php file that contains:
echo( "Welcome to our Web site, $var!" );

echo "Welcome to our website, $_GET['var']";

Jason, brad, Eric, Dave, and John,

Thank you all for pointing $_GET and register_globals. The tutorial I'm reading is from 2000 and references PHP 4.1.

However, when I click on the link on the HTML file, I dont get the
value of $var passed to the php script. I have also tried passing
multiple variables separated by &, and none of those gets passed to
the php script.

The files are hosted on a local Debian etch server running apache
2.0.54 and php 4.3.10.

Is there something I need to check/change in the config files of
apache or php?


Boat: A hole in the water surrounded by wood into which one pours


The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.
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