On Wed, May 10, 2006 9:52 am, Renzo Clavijo wrote:
> I'm gonna be more precise:
> I wrote a form with fields <text type="file" .... >, then i need to

Should be <input

And don't forget to use FORM attribute: enctype="multipart/form-data"

> know how
> to upload the files to the MySQL server (postgreSQL wold be
> appreciated). It
> implies: Which field(s) must have the table where I'll save the
> image?. Is
> there an example code to upload the file(s)?

Are you going to write queries that involve the data *IN* the file as
part of the search, sort, or filtering?

If not, then just toss the files in the file-system and store the path
to the file in the db.  Much cleaner/easier.

If you MUST store the data in the db, the size of the data determines
the type of the field:
varchar, text, blob, bigblob, humungousblob

And, of course, this all depends on WHICH database you are using...
Some call it "memo" some call it "blob" some call it something else.

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