Wolf wrote:
In your form uploading script:
# individual file size limit - in bytes (102400 bytes = 100KB)
$file_size_ind = "838860800"; // 819.2 MB


if ($weight>$file_size_ind)
 echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/error.gif\" width=\"15\"
height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">ERROR: please get the file size
less than ".$file_size_ind." BYTES  (".round(($file_size_ind/1024),2)."
KB)</font></b><br>ยป<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";

That has already attempted to upload the file to the server.. which is what the OP didn't want.

Would be handy to be able to do this but *shrug*..

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