Hello D.,

  SimpleXML was never ever designed to have methods. If you prefer methods
then you probably might be better with xmlReader or Dom. Either way i *may*
do something about it. Right now it perfectly fits my needs :-)

best regards

Friday, May 12, 2006, 5:42:23 PM, you wrote:

> Marcus Boerger wrote:
>>> I think that's a bug and not a feature.  Why was this changed?
>> It is called write support. I think we are going to add a flag
>> so that one can specify whether write support is enabled or not.

> Creating data without using '=' assignment or calling a function is 
> scary and somewhat 'magical' behavior.  When I 'read' from a SimpleXML 
> node and cast that read into an array context, I NEVER expect to 
> actually create an array on the object I am reading from.  If I do a SET 
> (__set), I'd be ok with the magical behavior:

>     $xmlstr = "<test><item>1</item></test>";
>     $xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);
>     $xml->nonexist = array();

> But if I'm doing a GET, changing the structure of the object is very bad:

>     foreach ($xml->nonexist2 as $nonexist2) {
>     }

> Adding a flag is fine and all, but I definitely don't want that flag to
> be inside an INI file.  We don't need yet another flag which causes the
> language to behave differently under different circumstances.  Can't you
> distinguish between __get and __set on the object and handle it
> differently that way?  If not, the flag needs to somehow be set in code
> and not in an INI file with the default behavior to be NO, do not enable
> write support.  This is a bad break in BC from such a minor version upgrade 
> of 5.1.2 to 5.1.4.

> Dante

Best regards,
 Marcus                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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