
> On Mon, May 15, 2006 7:30 am, Ryan A wrote:
> > The thing is, I thought this was bundled with the
> > standard package of PHP, if yes, why would anybody
> > want to turn this off?
> PCRE got added after POSIX Regex had been in awhile.
> There was some resistance to having two Regexes in
> PHP.

Makes sense...

> I think the default is "on" these days for PCRE.

So just my luck it was off :-(
Anyway, wrote to my host and they are mostly nice guys
there so he is enabling it for me.

I did check the manual and it didnt say anything about
it being off by default, so I think its safe to assume
that its usually on by default.

> One viable reason to turn it "off" might be to
> conserve RAM -- I
> daresay PCRE takes up a goodly chunk of RAM for its
> codebase, if
> you're really scrimping and saving...  This would
> make more sense in
> something like an embedded PHP app rather than
> shared hosting
> environment.

I'm mostly on shared environments, except in rare
cases, and I dont do (sell) hosting so I dont think
the above applies to me... but thanks for the info.


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