On May 15, 2006, at 7:53 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:

You can't do that.

Yeah I can, sorta. Well not really as I'm having to pass a reference to the class object around. But that works.

The whold class has to be in a single contiguous file.

Last I checked.

To be able to use $this-> in the functions yeah, although it was available in the file, outside of a function.... but that could get *real* dangerous.

On the plus side, it's incredibly unlikely that having the functions
in separate files was a Good Idea...

Well... I know it's not a *good* idea, it's just an intermediate step that's helping me see the class pieces a little better so I *can* figure out the best way to go. I've got a monster that has grown out of control over time that really needs to be tamed.


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