On 17/05/06, Dave Goodchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a site that is getting 30K+ traffic daily and it is smashing mySQL -
> any ideas on what to do to make the mysql connections more efficient, or
> anything in general. No bandwidth issue here, just the server getting
> killed.
> ...I may be wrong but using persistent connections (mysql_pconnect) may
help. Also, optimise your tables and use the explain command to see how
efficient your queries are.

And caching things that don't need to looked up form the database
right now.  Even the fastest server in the world would wilt under a
slashdotting, if it had to do a dozen big queries for every page
display.  Meanwhile a Pentium3 with a decent network can serve
hundreds of requests a second of a few static pages.


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