
So let's say that I want to integrate a shopping cart
with a PSP, right up to the moment they get to the
checkout, they see my client's URL. They hit the
"Checkout" button and then they will see the URL of
the PSP? Then once they place the order then they are
redirected back to my client's site and see that URL
again? Is that an accurate description of how it
works? Do you normally have control over the "look and
feel" of how the checkout looks on the PSP site?


Hi Lawrence,

The way you explain it is the way that most of the Payment Service providers
seem to work.

However - depending on the PSP you use will depend on how much of the look
and feel you can change. PayPal for example only allows very basic styling,
whereas something like WorldPay (not sure if they are UK only) allows you to
create templates, so other than the URL the change is seamless.

The PSP will send you an email with the order details, and additionally most
can post back to a script on your server with the details of the transaction
- i.e. did it work? What was the total amount/currency? Etc.

You can then use this to validate it's the correct transaction and send your
own email/receipt/picking list accordingly.

I've worked on a couple of these so if I can be of any help give me a shout.



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