Pavleck, Jeremy D. wrote:

PHP Rookie

that explains why you may not have bumped into 'foreach' yet :-)


here with a quick question - how do I go through 2 arrays at
once with different keys?
I'd like to combine these 2 arrays into one:

for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($logicalDrive); $i++) {
echo "$arrLogDrive[$i]<br />\n"; }

for (reset($logicalDrive); $i = key($logicalDrive); next($logicalDrive))
        echo "$i: $logicalDrive[$i]<br />\n";

something like:

foreach ($arrLogDrive as $key => $val) {
        echo isset($logicalDrive[$key]) ? $logicalDrive[$key]: $value;

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