On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 08:55, Ryan A wrote:
> > Regardless of how you determine the end of the
> > logged in time, you
> > shouldn't track all the different sums in every
> > entry since that's
> > redundant. You don't even need the extra data since
> > the database will
> > happily allow you to perform the SUMs via queries.
> I have done very little SUM queries with time, can you
> give me a quick example or any site where i can find a
> few sample queries?

This is basic MySQL so you should RTFM, and generally should be asking
on a MySQL list :)

SELECT SUM( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( logout_time ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( login_time )
) AS seconds FROM some_table WHERE user_id = 1;

If you have MySQL >= 4.1.1 then you should probably use the TIMEDIFF()

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