At 06:42 PM 4/29/2001 +0200, Luca wrote:
>Andi Gutmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sometimes eval() is the right solution.
> > I can't think of a solution if I don't know *exactly* what you are
> > trying to do and why you need eval().
>Yes, I'm sorry, I should have explained myself better. I'm just a
>beginner, it's very likely that I'm doing things the complicated
>way. Here's what I'm trying to do: all requests on my site (just
>a personal site for testing, it's not even online) are 'redirected'
>by mod_rewrite to a single script, which builds the pages by putting
>together a header file, a navbar file, a footer file, and a specific
>content file. The actual processing is a bit more complex, but this
>should give an idea. The content is in XML: it contains the HTML
>code (XHTML 1.0 compliant), along with the information needed to
>build the <head></head> section of the page (title, description,
>keywords, etc.). I retrieve the HTML as a string by using
>xslt_process() and an appropriate XSL stylesheet. Then I need to
>include it in the page, but I cannot just print() it as it may
>have PHP tags in it: that's why I need to use eval().
>I hope my explanation makes sense, though I'm afraid it's not
>that clear...

If it may have PHP code in it then you are indeed best off using eval().


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