On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 19:14, Jochem Maas wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > Ahh yes, I do like the elegance of prototypes too. They're a different
> > kind of beast, but a very flexible one.
> the more I get in it the pretty it gets - javascript doesn't just give you a
> revolver to shoot yourself with it gives you a Doom3 chainsaw and it's shiny 
> :-)

Oh yeah... *rubs the gash in his foot*. I do firmly believe though, that
if you have an iota of intelligence, then shooting yourself in the foot
will lead to a strong lesson learned :) Protecting idiots from
themselves just creates a problem of lots of idiots needing protection
from themselves -- that should be a human resources issue, not a
language issue IMHO :)

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