At 10:56 AM +1000 6/8/06, Chris wrote:
>tedd wrote:
>>Hi gang:
>>I've read that php sessions can create problems for Google bots. For example, 
>>the following was taken from a Google "Web Master Help" Center:
>>-- Quote --
>>Allow search bots to crawl your sites without session IDs or arguments that 
>>track their path through the site. These techniques are useful for tracking 
>>individual user behavior, but the access pattern of bots is entirely 
>>different. Using these techniques may result in incomplete indexing of your 
>>site, as bots may not be able to eliminate URLs that look different but 
>>actually point to the same page.
>>-- Un-quote --
>>I've also seen a comment here:
>>But, I'm not following what's happening.
>>Can someone shed some light on this for me? How can one do sessions and make 
>>Google bots happy?
>use_trans_sid (I think) will append the sessionid to all pages, so instead of:
>it will become
>much the same as if you do:
>echo '/page.php?' . SID;
>Bots don't like that, so where possible turn use_trans_sid off (check manual 
>about when/how you can do this).


Thanks -- after your lead, I found that my site's session.use_trans_sid was 
turned off by default.

So, it wasn't the problem I thought it might have been.

Thanks again.


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