I suspect the first question would be if Flash people have bothered to
document what HTML subset they support.

And second is, wouldn't you have a lot more luck in a Flash forum?...

On Wed, June 7, 2006 11:22 am, Jochem Maas wrote:
> hi people,
> I've been STFW till I'm blue in the face (so lack of oxygen might be
> problem atm) but can't find any [decent] info on
> generating/transforming existing
> HTML so thats it's compatible with the subset of tags that are
> supported
> by Flash (apparently Flash has the ability to show something that
> resembles
> HTML in certain visual controls - I don't flash, I'm just responsible
> for
> supplying XML feeds that the flash site/file in question can consume).
> so the question does any know of a reliable resource on this subject
> and/or
> some code nugget that is capable of generating/transforming (x)HTML
> into
> the cruft that Flash is capable of displaying?
> any feedback is welcome (apart from 'STFW' - I'm already doing that
> :-P)
> rgds,
> Jochem
> ps - my server side stuff is all php (so I need to have an HTML
> 'converter'
> written in php too [preferably]) before someone hits me with the 'what
> does
> this has to do with php' response.
> --
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