Keith wrote:
> Hi all
> Not really a php issue per se - sorry.
> But I'm sure someone here is bound to know the answer. :-)
> I have a main site that is accessible at say 
> ""; but I want visitors to be able to 
> access the site using simply ""; AND for the 
> resulting URL displayed to STILL say "";  and not 
> "";.
> Should this be possible using the .htaccess file and some mod_rewrite rule? 
> Toyed around with that but couldn't get it to work.

when you finished toying did you take time to read the Apache docs on 

you need *something like*:

RewriteRule  ^/(.*)$  /somedir/$1 [L]

> ANY help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
> P.S. Platform: Linux RedHat (running Apache)
> scorpy 

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