On Thu, June 15, 2006 10:17 am, Jon Anderson wrote:
> Richard Lynch wrote:
>> Can any experts on this list explain to me why, despite the
>> 1,000,000
>> places that application/octet-stream is documented to work, and has
>> always worked, since Mosaic 1.0 days, people manage to find these
>> goofball Content-type: headers that are supposed to work, but only
>> work in a handful of browsers, and then they write tutorials as if
>> it's the Right Way, and then those tutorials get past alleged
>> Editors,
>> and are all you can find from Google?
>> Anybody?
> Well, I can't vouch for any goofballs, their editors, nor google, but
> unfortunately sometimes an alternative to application/octet-stream has
> to be used to work around brokenness in certain versions of IE...We
> used
> octet-stream, and had a small portion of users complaining because
> they
> couldn't open the file that was downloaded - "I can't open
> download.php", hence the workaround.

But they downloaded it.

They HAVE the data, it's just got a filename they don't know what to
do with.

If they just change the extension to whatever it should be, it would
be fine.

> - We can't use download.php?/filename.ext - (long story, but suffice
> it
> to say that it can't be done for non-technical reasons.)

Well, then, you've just eliminated a correct technical solution for
non-technical reasons...

I cannot do much about that...

Actually, if you REALLY want to be browser-compliant back to the stone
age, and througout the dreaded 3.x and 4.x series, you would need to
get the URL to be just:

That odd-looking dirname is a PHP script.

URL juggling with mod_rewrite ForceType and $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] is
the tech.

The browser then CANNOT screw up beause it "looks" like a static URL.

> - IE doesn't take the Content-Disposition in some cases unless you use
> a
> different content-type.
> Our code basically does this:
> if (IE) {
>     use wrong content type;
>     if (IE 5.5) {
>        use broken content disposition;
>     } else {
>        use normal content disposition;
>     }
> } else {
>     do things in a standard way;
> }

My code basically looks like this:
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");

Though, admittedly, the 3 lines in .htaccess should "count"

And, if you want input parameters in the URL instead of GET (which
will mess up FDF files) then there's another 20 lines to parse
$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] into an array, just like $_GET and $_POST, only

But then, that code is in an include file and gets re-used for a lot
of different rich media (images, PDF, Ming flash movies, etc) so it's
got a decent re-use factor.

Maybe I'm just re-using code from 5 years ago that could be replaced
by the browser-detecting (assuming the user-agent doesn't lie) and
using some new-fangled headers...

Or I could just keep using the code that cannot break.  Yeah, I like

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