Well, this is what I've done. 
First, made a test on a Fedora Core 2 installation by running
./configure  --with etc,etc  and --enable-bcmath

Then executed make in order to generate executables but 
*DID NOT* run make install

After that, copied manually libphp4.so from the build directory to
libexec under apache tree and restarted apache. It worked just fine!!

after that bcmath was shown by phpinfo() as been loaded.

Then, did the same steps on the production server 
( the diference here is that the operating System is Suse 8.2 Not Fedora
core 2.)

Repeated all steps as before and bcmath was enabled. But phpinfo()
 does not show the correct Build date for Php ( which should be today )
neither shows the configure option with the --enable-bcmath switch

but it does show a section below in wich states that bcmath support is

And of course tested with some php module that wasn't running before,
and now it works, so I think everything is fine.

These are the steps i used 
 1. re-configure (./configure --enable-bcmath or what ever other switch)
 2. then run the Make utility
 3. after that manually copy libphp4.so to libexec under apache tree.

One last comment: The Zend optimizer continues to work perfectly
after the whole process

I would like to hear some experienced user comments about this


On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 21:48, chris smith wrote:
> On 6/17/06, Mauricio Pellegrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi ,
> > In order to enable bcmath I need to recompile php 4.3.4 on suse 8.2.
> >
> >
> > but , I would like to preserve the actual installation just in case
> > anything goes wrong ( as this is my production server)
> >
> > What files should I backup / restore if after compilation php is not
> > working?
> >
> >
> > My actual installation consists of php 4.3.4 With the Zend Optimizer
> > and apache 1.329
> Install them in different paths (configure --prefix=...), it will make
> it a lot easier.
> If you installed originally from rpms, you should be able to find
> where it put stuff (rpm -qpl php I think).. If you compiled then
> phpinfo will show you the original prefix and you can backup that
> structure.
> Not sure whether ZO will cope with that, but I guess you'll soon find out ;)
> -- 
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