On Thu, June 22, 2006 4:16 am, weetat wrote:
>    Can we detected if user have clicked the "X" button in browser or
> close browser ?
>    I have tested in my php program ,when i click "X" in IE6 , the
> execution did not stop , it still running .
>   Any ways to stop the program execution when user click the "X"
> button
> or close browser ?

There is no RELIABLE way to do that.

An javascript thingie for "onStop" if it exists might help.

PHP's ignore_user_abort being on/off can sometimes pass back their
"stop" action, or not...

I suspect that the return value from feof('php://stdout') *MIGHT*
maybe change to FALSE when Apache recognizes that the browser is

But 100% reliable way probably does not exist, afaik.

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