Hi all,

I got php_4.0.2 build went smooth on my Solaris8/SPARC. 
It required a few GNU utilities that i got ready made from sunfreeware.com. It is 
hosting most of the binaries of GNU utilities for Solaris. Thus time saving and 
cleaner install using solaris packages avilable there. If you want to be at bleeding 
edge of technology and don't like a few weeks old utility ( not always ) gnu.org is 
there! or if enjoy building;)

a) download from www.sunfreeware.com 
b) mv <pkgname> <pkgname>.gz ( sometimes the file is not saved with .gz as it is shown 
on the web page )
c) gunzip <pkgname>.gz will get you <pkgname> as a Solaris package here
d) pkgadd -d ./<pkgname> ( you need to be su to do this )
e) add /usr/local/bin to your path if it is not there

followings were required:
GNU m4
GNU autoconf
GNU automake
GNU bison ( replacement of yacc )
GNU flex  ( replcaement of lex )

In the rush I also installed( and not sure if they were required):
GNU libtool
GNU gawk

All the GNU software went to /usr/local/ so there were no conflicts with normal 
Solaris software.

I got gcc also but it was not must required as requiement was just for
an ANSI C compiler.
It compiled with 
though gcc is recommended.

I was earlier getting error for compiling source for m4 and autoconf that I earlier 
got from gnu.org even with gcc as compiler ( due to me being new to these things, 
Ofcourse!! )   but quiting it here only as am happy with ready made m4 and autoconf.

Thanks all for your support.

- Surinder

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