On Tue, June 27, 2006 7:16 am, George Pitcher wrote:
> I have been asked to look at extending one of my CMS systems to
> incorporate
> integration to a library management system, as well as LDAP and Active
> Directory.

http://php.net/ldap should help, though I understand that there is
some stupid "gotcha" with Active Directory that trips up every user
and they have to Google to find out how to fix it.

> The requirement also asks for scanning and OCR of documents
> to be
> controlled by the CMS.
> Does anyone have any experience of implementing the scanning into a
> application?

I think if you Google for "PHP COM Port" you'll find hacks to control
the data going out to an old-school COM Port scanner.  You're on your
own with fancy new USB ones.

As far as the OCR goes, you could probably exec() gocr/jocr or Omni if
you can afford it and it runs on your OS.

If not, you could roll your own with GD, http://php.net/imagecolorat,
and about 10 years of effort.

I assume you realize that there is no friggin' way you can mess with
the client's (browser-computer) scanner and that you need the scanner
hooked up to the web-server for any of this to be meaningful.

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