I took an example  of a script from the PHP documentation and try to connect 
to my database.   If I leave in the or die part of line 3, I get nothing, if 
I comment out that part I get the echo message on line 4. 

// Connecting and selecting the database
$conn = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'finemanruss', 'XXXXXXXl') or die ('Could 
not connect :  '  . mysql_error());
echo 'Connected successfully';
mysql_select_db ("Lions", $conn);

// Preform SQL query
$query = 'SELECT * FROM Moses_Lake_Lions';
$result = mysql_query ($query) or die ( 'Query failed;   '  . mysql_error());

I know line three works without the or die part since I have a 2nd script that 
is almost the same (no or die) and it retrieves info from my DB.

Can anyone point me to some tips or solutions to the or die problem? This 
script is located in the mysql ref section of the php manual. I'm using php5 
on SUSE Linux 10.0 with a mysql database.

Thanks in advance.

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