On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 19:29, tedd wrote:
> At 3:21 PM -0400 6/28/06, Robert Cummings wrote:
> >Your kidding right? What you say above and what you say below are
> >different. You must think I'm stupid. Oh well.
> Robert !
> Hey, don't get shorts in a knot -- I didn't mean anything of the sort. I 
> seldom deliberately go out of my way to insult anyone.
> If you took offense in what I said, then please accept my apologies. I didn't 
> mean it that way.
> > >  add as many layers of complexity you need to make things simple for you.
> The layers of complexity I speak of are things we all do to make our world 
> simpler, which appears to be an oxymoron. We use higher level languages, 
> which are exceedingly more and more complex, to make our lives simpler -- do 
> you see what I'm getting at?  It's not about you.
> >I do, thanks. How's your cave btw?
> As for my cave -- how did you know? That's what my family calls my office, 
> the "bear cave". When the grand-kids misbehave, they have to visit the "bear 
> cave".
> There -- all better now?  :-)

*lol* No apologies needed... I take everything on the list with a grain
of salt and automatically presume a degreee of humour and sarcasm :) I
expect for the most part that my posts be taken that way too. i guess
that's the problem with the written medium, sometimes light hearted
banter can run awry... and it doesn't help I guess that I often forget
my smilies and *emotes* :B  <-- that's my buck toothed grin.

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