On 6/30/06, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 11:07 PM -0600 6/29/06, John Meyer wrote:
>Larry Garfield wrote:
>>switch is fine if your elseif comparisons are equality based.  If they're not 
equality based, then they don't map to switch as well.

Not true.  I've come to really appreciate the structure of switches.
What helps to "unlock" their power is that you don't *have* to compare
your switch() param with your case() params.

Building on Paul's good advice of splitting logic from presentation:


$display_name = '';

        case($row[1] == 'none'):
        case($row[1] == $row[2]):
                $display_name = $row[0] . ' ' . $row[2];
                $display_name = $row[0] . ' (' . $row[1] . ') ' . $row[2];

// now print table, using $display_name

John W

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