Steve Turnbull wrote:
On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 12:35 -0400, Gabe wrote:
What's the common consensus as to a solid PHP framework to use for application development? There seems to be a number of them out there, but I'm not sure which one's are the most robust, actively developed, secure, etc etc.


I use Zend Pro - it makes for very effective development, especially
when developing in a team. It supports Subversion and CVS version
control, has excellent predictive typing, PHPDoc support, syntax
highlighting, ftp and sftp support, the list goes on...

Also, for about $80 (off the top of my head), there is a great course
run by PHP Architect on getting the most from it - it really is a
powerful tool.

Downside is it's more costly than others, but well worth it in my

Just my thoughts...


Zend Studio Pro isn't a PHP framework. It's a PHP IDE. Zend has multiple products.

Regards, Adam.

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