Dear all and Dave,

>I want to divide the first line into three variables, $word, $reading, 
>and $meaning. And I want to divide the second line into two variables, 
>$word and $meaning.

What you(Dave) want seems to have some resemblance to 
what I tackled in last month.I tried to sort out some japanese
characters which can input to my server but cannot be displayed
correctly in japanese-main-portable-phone-browsers through my poor

>The following contains UTF-8 encoded Japanese text. 

If you specify EUC-JP in [mbstring] of "php.ini"
(this is usual way when using Japanese character in PHP),
 I propose first to change that into Shift-JIS to solve this problem.
Probably, you specify UTF-8 in charaset in your ".php"s.
I propose to change it into SHIFT-JIS.

As far as I executed, it is difficult to extract the specific japanese

I think that you should add the processing which replaces a Japanese
word with the other language ( English ) once in your server.

In my case,I first made the list of the words which aren't displayed
correctly in main-japanese-portable-phone-browsers through my poor
program.Then, I checked a "non-displayed-word" on the list and programed
to sort out a "non-displayed-word" (,and replace a "non-displayed-word"
to a image).

What I wrote above is probably not the advice which you(Dave) demand.
I do not see linkpages in your e-mail yet.I am sorry of my poor advice.
Anway,I send this to you.

Thank you for being interested in Japanese.>Dave

Thank you for developing [mbstring] in php.ini. >developers.

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