Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Aug 2006 14:54:08 +0100, Ross wrote:
>> I write a session to determine what module a user is on
>> $_SESSION['module_no']==1;
>> when they get to the end of the module I want to create a dynamic link to 
>> the next module
>> $increment = $_SESSION['module_no']++;
>> $link= "../module_$increment.php";
>> The problem is every time the page is refreshed $increment is added to. Any 
>> ideas or ways around this. I do not want to create an 'end_of module.php' 
>> page for every module.
>> R.
> Don't you mean to do:
> $increment = $_SESSION['module_no'] + 1;

yeah and then somewhere in each 'module_X.php' page you would do something like:


and a seperate file with a function [something] like so:

function setSessionModuleNumber()
        $_SESSION['module_no'] = intval(str_replace('module_', 

... just an idea

> Your code increments $_SESSION['module_no'] on every refresh...

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