On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 16:39 +0200, Jochem Maas wrote:
> <? phpinfo(); ?>PROMISE<? phpinfo(); ?>TO<? phpinfo(); ?>STOP<? phpinfo(); 
> ?>BREAKING<? phpinfo(); ?>IN<? phpinfo();
> ?>AND<? phpinfo(); ?>OUT<? phpinfo(); ?>OF<? phpinfo(); ?>PHP<? phpinfo(); 
> ?>TO<? phpinfo(); ?>OUTPUT<? phpinfo();
> ?>STRINGS<? phpinfo(); ?>TO<? phpinfo(); ?>THE<? phpinfo(); ?>BROWSER<? 
> phpinfo();
> <evil_grin>easy to read don't you think?</evil_grin>
> Ross wrote:
> > At the mometn I have this
> > 
> > 
> > function display_result($module_no) {
> > 
> > if ($module_no != "") {
> > $module_no =unserialize ($module_no);
> > foreach ($module_no as $number => $data) {
> > 
> > $count=$count+1;?>
> why $count when you already have $number

And even if you really want to use $count, why not use the faster +=

    $count += 1;

Or if 1 is always going to be your increment:


Or if you know how ++ works and want to eke just a tad more speed out:


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