On Tue, August 15, 2006 2:27 pm, Jochem Maas wrote:
> the error is this:
>       PHP Fatal error:  Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown
> on line 0

I've seen messages like this in "eval"ed code.

I think I also saw something like this that was something really sick
in the guts of PHP itself and it happened at startup from a buggy CVS

> I'm running APC version 3.0.8, I have tried running APC 3.0.10 but
> that gives me a plethora
> of segfaults that I'd rather not get into.
> does anyone have any idea as to what could be the cause?

Is it feasible to try running without APC at all?  If you can do that,
and narrow down the problem to APC it would reduce your search space
for the bug.

Do you have any "eval" calls in your code?  Precede them with
time-stamped error_log of what you are about to eval() and then see if
they correspond with your other error message.

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