On Mon, August 14, 2006 10:24 pm, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
> I'm sure. CGI proxy I think is the key word I'm looking for.
> I would even pay $10 per year for an SMTP access account if it fixed
> my
> problems.

Think about it from the angle of a person who would consider offering
this service...

There are a few zillion spammers out there that would pay a heck of a
lot more than $10 per year...

And that still wouldn't make it worth it for the headaches involved...

So I truly believe that getting your IP off the black-lists, and
getting the emails to pass through spam filtering is the better route.

Also consider this:
Whatever you did to get ON the black-lists, you're probably going to
just do again with the new SMTP servers...  So then they get
black-listed, and you're at square one, minus the $10.

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