Configure the problem browser to prompt you when it gets a cookie.

You'll probably find that it's rejecting the cookies, so it's not
preserving the state of the session, so you get a new session every
page hit.

On Thu, August 17, 2006 12:35 pm, Dave Goodchild wrote:
> Hi all, I am currently writing a web application that has a 3-stage
> form
> process as part of its functionality. The values passed in are placed
> in the
> session array after validation and once the user has completed and
> supplied
> all required values the relevant session values are inserted into the
> database. I have tested it on three different machines in FF, IE and
> Opera
> and all expected values were entered ok.
> However, a remote user has started testing and all values are blank,
> suggesting the session is not being populated. I noticed it at their
> office
> last week when data values were not showing up when the user went back
> one
> page (ie fields are pre-populated with existing session values).
> Anyone had this problem before?
> --

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