
I think that you might have misread the original post. The snag appears not to be the leaving of a secure site. The snag is that root document is secure but some of the embedded urls (images, frames, iframes etc) are unsecured. Whilst this again is a standard warning, it is one that should be avoided at all cost as it scares the stuff out of customers!


Mourad Boulahboub wrote:
Hi João,

this is the standard alert message from internet explorer. Because you
go from https to http it get show up. This is no bug in your script or
either in the certificate. Try it by surfing to a secure website (not
yours) with https and then leave it by typining a non secured website
into the browser. You will get the same alert message from internet explorer

João Cândido de Souza Neto schrieb am 24.08.2006 22:26:
Hy everyone.

Since we change our ssl key from 128kb to a 256kb i notice that something´s going wrong.

In my e-commerce, part is secure and part isn´t. when i join into the secure part of the site, everithing works fine. But, when the sale is finishes and my script run header("Location: http://www.?????";) to exit from the secure part, the browser gives me a notice that some parts of the page i´ve been led to a non-secure region and ask me if i realy want to do that (it never had happened before). Thought i confirm by clicking in yes buttom, i doesn´t goes away from https.

Now my question:

Has some difference between 128kb e 256kb ssl key?
There´s some way to fix it?

Thanks a lot in advance for any tips...


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