On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 16:28 -0700, Micky Hulse wrote:
> Wow, thanks for all the great information folks (Stut, Ivo, Rob, and David.)
> I really appreciate all of the top-notch advice and expert information. :D
> Looks like I have a lot to think about...
> Currently, I hard-code the paths to the folders that house the files I 
> want my CMS to edit (via a config file.) The script then iterates 
> through the directory and adds all files of a specific type to a 
> dropdown menu. The user can then choose one of the files to edit and 
> load that file into a textarea... After changes are made, the 
> content/code gets saved back to the same file/location.
> I do have an uploads folder, but it is in a different location on the 
> server. I do not allow the user to create new files (I would have to do 
> that manually)... it is a /very/ basic CMS.
> Anyway, looks like I have some great info to work with. Thanks again 
> everyone for sharing your expertise.

How are these saved files then imported into the content? Are they
included or do you retrieve the contents using something like file(),
file_get_contents(), or fread() and then echo it? If you are using
include or require on a file whose contents are based on web input
content then you are opening up a can of security worms since anyone
with access tot he CMS could embed PHP code in the content and do
anything for which the webserver has permissions.

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