Miguel Guirao wrote:
include("evm_mailer.php"); //The class I'm using for sending e-mails, from

ob_start(); // Start Output Buffer functionality

function sendcorreo($from,$doc,$depto,$cuerpo){
        $simple_mailer = new EVM_Mailer(); // create new EVM_Mailer object
        $simple_mailer->set_sender("Departamento de LogĂ­stica On-line
R8","[EMAIL PROTECTED]"); // set sender name and email address
        $simple_mailer->set_subject("E-mail subject"); // set the subject line 
the email
        $simple_mailer->set_message_type("html"); // text or html mime-type
        $simple_mailer->set_message($cuerpo); // set the message body of the 
        $simple_mailer->add_recipient("Recipient","[EMAIL PROTECTED]"); // add a
recipient to the email To: list
        $simple_mailer->add_BCC("CC Name","[EMAIL PROTECTED]"); // add a 
to the email BCC: list
        $simple_mailer->add_attachment($doc,"/path/to/my/file","html"); // add 
file as an attachment
                $simple_mailer->add_CC("CC2 Name","[EMAIL PROTECTED]"); // add 
a recipient
to the email CC: list
        $simple_mailer->send(); // send the email


$salida=ob_get_contents(); //I store the content to a variable string

if(($numrmagsmseq != "FALSE") or ($numrmatdmaseq != "FALSE")){
        $doc2=$rmat.".doc"; // Create file name
        fclose($file); //Store file
        sendcorreo($userdata[3],$doc2,$userdata[1],$salida); //Calle the 
to send e-mail
ob_end_flush();//Empty the OB and output it contents to the browser

I'm not at all familiar with the class you're using to send the email, but what is the third parameter to add_attachment? You're setting it to html, is that right? What email client are you checking the email with? Does it allow you to view the raw email? Does it look right? If all else fails I think your best bet is to contact the author of the class.


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