On 8/31/06, Adam Zey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Javier Ruiz wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I want to do...
> $xmlDatabase = new SimpleXMLElement($myXML);
> foreach ($xmlDatabase as $oneTable)
> {
>   if ($oneTable['name'] == 'two')
>   {
>      ///  ---- HERE I WANT TO DELETE THE $oneTable NODE
>      unset($oneTable);   // <-- and this doesn't work...
>   }
> }
> any ideas?

The answer is simple, everybody else seems to have missed it. foreach()
makes a copy of the array before working on it. Changes made to
$oneTable would obviously never affect the original. You're just
unsetting a temporary variable that's going to be overwritten next time
through the loop anyhow.

You should have better luck with this code:

$xmlDatabase = new SimpleXMLElement($myXML);
foreach ($xmlDatabase as $key => $oneTable)

fwiw, In php5 you can do something like:

foreach ($xmlDatabase as $key => &$oneTable)
                //note the & ------------------^^^^

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