
This is really odd. I use this code to retrive value from a database table.
When the field is empty, it cracks the HTML code some how, the PHP script
seam to not break.

        function getInfo() {
                $html = "<table>";
                $html.= "</table>";
                return $html;

The function getDesc is like this (I have made it overly complicated because
I am trying to fix the problem):

        function getDesc() {
                $Query = sprintf("SELECT todotext FROM teamtodo WHERE id=%d
LIMIT 1", $this->getID());
                $Result = mysql_query($Query);
                if(mysql_num_rows($Result)>0) { 
                        if($Roww = mysql_fetch_array($Result)) {
                                if($Roww['todotext']!='') return
                                else return '';
                        } else return '';
                } else return '';

When the database field is not empty it works fine, but as soon as the field
todotext is empty the $html seam to break, but the value of $html until the
$this->getDesc() is still being returned by the function (can see half of
the table).

Is this a bug, or am I just stupid? If I just insert some blank spaces it
works, hrm.


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