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BBC wrote:
>> What types of images are these? JPG, PNG, GIF?
> Its jpg. Look... I don't know exactly what your point, I'm just asking you 
> about the function to resolve the size of image like the
> codes below:
> if (file_exists($img_path)){
> list($width,$height) = getimagesizes($img_path);
> }else{
> $width = $ height = $max_size;
> }
> So is there any other option to replace file_exists();?

Well, if I do remember correctly, then you are uploading a file. If
that's the case, then rather than using file_exists() you should be
using is_uploaded_file. Once you've verified that is_uploaded_file()
returns true, then use move_uploaded_file() to move the file to
someplace on your filesystem. If that returns true, then you should not
have to check file_exists again and just be able to use get getimagesize().

So, a good function for this would probably be:

function getUploadedImageSize($image, $to_path) {
        global $max_size;

        $width = $height = $max_size;

        if (is_uploaded_file($image)) {
                if (move_uploaded_file($image, $to_path)) {
                        list($width,$height) = getimagesize($to_path);

        return array($width, $height);

list($width, $height) = getUploadedImageSize($tmp, '/the/final/path');

BTW, I don't know if you did a copy and paste from your code or if you
just typed it in really quickly, but you do have a few syntactical
errors in the code above. First, the image sizing function is
getimagesize - singular, not plural. Second, in your assignment
statement, you have a space where there should not be one:

$width = $ height = $max_size;

Just wanted to make sure you knew about that in case it was copied and

- --
Christopher Weldon, ZCE
President & CEO
Cerberus Interactive, Inc.
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