Jay Blanchard wrote:
So let me send a rant to other users, in fact a general list of users,
because I cannot read. If I could I would know that I subscribed to a
list where questions are asked to other users rather than me trying to
send an e-mail to the president of PHP (a hat worn proudly). The entire
sire is documentation and anywhere from one to five minutes of even the
lightest reason would have spelled that out, not to mention that the
second link across the top of the page says in very vague terms,
'documentation'. Is this a run on paragraph? I am asking because English
is incredibly frustrating and difficult to use.

Department of Technology indeed.
As an aside, I think that the online and offline (downloadable) PHP documentation is probably the clearest, best organized and complete set of documentation for any programming language I've run into online.

I honestly think that the PHP coders/documentors deserve a lot of gratitude for the immense effort that must have gone into documenting the immense list of built-in stuff that PHP has.


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