Chris wrote:
Chris wrote:

I'm hoping somebody can give me advice on how I can go about debugging a problem I've been having. The bottom of this email has some of the details of my system.

There is an intermittent slowness throughout my site. At seemingly random points in random scripts at random times it just seems to wait.

A few of these have been as long as 600 seconds, just sitting there, apparently doing nothing. I've tried tracking down the problem using microtime(), that jsut showed me how (mostly) random it was. The least complex area in which I was able to isolate a problem was a 15 line chunk of HTML, with some <?=MY_CONSTANT?> in them.

Are you sure it's the php code? Have you checked your database logs to see if anything is being run that shouldn't be?

Using mysql_query/pg_query type functions have to wait for the query to finish before returning, so problems with the db server may show up on your site.

I'm don't know if it's my PHP code, but I'm fairly certain it's not my database calls. This time lapse is occurring in places where nothing is being done except outputing values from a constant, or HTML


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