On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 11:53 +0100, James Nunnerley wrote:
> Sometime ago, I posted the email below, regarding some problems with a file
> manager we have developed for our users.
> The problem still exists, and is now starting to cause "complaints".  Mainly
> from my manager, who's fed-up with receiving the error emails from the
> system, but it must be annoying users!
> The scenario is; we have a fairly large Linux cluster, with a RAID disc.
> Obviously because of the number of disc calls, there's a fair amount of
> caching.
> We think the problem is related to this, and would ideally like purely to
> suppress the error, as it's normally when the script is trying to delete
> something already deleted.
> I've tried turning off errors (error_reporting(0)) and indeed using @ on all
> php file system calls, but it still triggers an error.
> Does anyone know of any issues with suppressing errors on the following
> functions?
> - unlink
> - mkdir
> - copy
> - scandir
> All of these fail sporadically, even with the above error stuff turned off,
> and trigger an error.
> Anyone's thoughts gratefully received....

Are you using a custom error handler? If so your error handler has to
properly handle errors that are incoming with the supression operator

You can detect suppression for any given error by checking if
error_reporting() is set to 0.

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