Finally I found a solution :)  Thanks to Mr. Phil Rogaway

I found a very small C++ code from Mr. Phil Rogaway in

I convert it to php and here is the result  (I already test it, try it
and let me know if you find any bug):

//code #1 it will print the result to stdout:
// prog2.php
// Subset sum demonstration code.
// Written for ECS 122a by Phil Rogaway (Spring 2000)
// converted to php by Ahmad AlTwaijiry (ahmadt "at" 25/Sep/2006
$price = 40;
$list = array(0,3,2,3,6,2,120,11,220,11,22,10,2,5,7,1,4,20,40);
function PrintSolution($A, $i,$list)
 if ($i==0) return;
 else if ($i<0) print "ERROR\n";
 else if ($A[$i]==-1) print "No Solution Possible\n";
 else {PrintSolution($A, $i-$list[$A[$i]],$list);
       print "Take item " . $A[$i] . " (which is " . $list[$A[$i]] . ")\n";}

function SubsetSUM($price,$list)
 print "Subset Sum Demonstration Code\n\n";

 print  "The array is [ ";
 for ($i=1; $i<=$N; $i++) print  "(".$list[$i] . ") ";
 print "] and the target value is " . $price . "\n\n";

 // OK, here it is!
 for ($b=1; $b<=$price; $b++) $A[$b] = -1;
 for ($n=1; $n<=$N; $n++) {
   for ($b=$price; $b>=1;$b--) {
     if ($A[$b]==-1 &&
        ($b==$list[$n] || ($list[$n]<$b && $A[$b-$list[$n]]!=-1))) $A[$b]=$n;

 PrintSolution($A, $price,$list);
 print "\n";

//code #2 it will return the result as array (so you can use it in your code) :

// prog3.php
// Subset sum demonstration code.
// Written for ECS 122a by Phil Rogaway (Spring 2000)
// converted to php by Ahmad AlTwaijiry (ahmadt "at" 25/Sep/2006
$price = 50;
$list = array(0,3,2,3,6,2,120,11,220,11,22,10,2,5,7,1,4,20,40);
$result = SubsetSUM($price,$list);
if(is_array($result)) {
}else {
print "->$result\n";
function PrintSubsetSUM($A, $i,$list,$result, $limit=30)
 static $max_recursive = 0;
 //if we call function PrintSubsetSUM more than $limit then return null
 if ( $max_recursive > $limit ) { $result ="Reached $limit"; return; }
 if ($i==0) return;
 else if ($i<0) { $result = "ERROR"; return; }
 else if ($A[$i]==-1) { $result= "No Solution"; return;}
 else { PrintSubsetSUM($A, $i-$list[$A[$i]],$list,&$result);
       $result[$A[$i]] = $list[$A[$i]];}
function SubsetSUM($price,$list)
 $result = array();
 for ($b=1; $b<=$price; $b++) $A[$b] = -1;
 for ($n=1; $n<=$N; $n++) {
   for ($b=$price; $b>=1;$b--) {
     if ($A[$b]==-1 &&
        ($b==$list[$n] || ($list[$n]<$b && $A[$b-$list[$n]]!=-1))) $A[$b]=$n;
 PrintSubsetSUM($A, $price,$list,&$result);
 return $result;

On 9/25/06, Ahmad Al-Twaijiry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
you made it harder for me specially with wikipedia artical :) (I told
you I'm bad with writing code from English paragraph)
and no it's not a homework (btw: do they allow php in school ?, I
remember we use basic :) )

anyway I will try to write the code and I will let you guys know (in
the mean time if someone can help me in anyway I really appreciate it)

On 9/25/06, Robert Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 16:42 +0100, Robin Vickery wrote:
> > On 24/09/06, Ahmad Al-Twaijiry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi everyone
> > >
> > > I have array of numbers and I want to get out of it a list of numbers
> > > that if I sum them it will be 100, here is my list (for example ) :
> > >
> > > $list = array(10,20,10,10,30,50,33,110,381,338,20,11,200,100);
> > >
> > >
> > > I want the result to be :
> > >
> > > $result = array( 10,20,10,10,50);
> > >
> > > as you can see in the array $result , if we array_sum($result) the
> > > result will be 100.
> > >
> > > is they any algorithm to do this ?
> >
> > Ah, the Subset Sum Problem - this isn't school homework by any chance?
> >
> >
> Cool, I didn't know it had a specific name, all I could think of was
> that it sounded a lot like the knapsack problem. The Wikipedia article
> indicates it's a special case of the knapsack problem.
> Cheers,
> Rob.
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Ahmad Fahad AlTwaijiry


Ahmad Fahad AlTwaijiry

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