
Yes, it worked, but there's this strange thing.

The output of in to the file is:

$stringData = "<?php \n\n\$hostname = '$hostname'\n\$database =
'wordlife'\n\$mysql_username = '$mysql_username'\n$mysql_user_password =



$hostname = 'localhost'
$database = 'wordlife'
$mysql_username = 'gamito'
blabla = 'blabla'


i. e., the variable $mysql_user_password within quotes is assuming its
value, not the string $mysql_user_password, while the others are ok.


Warm Regards,

Brad Bonkoski wrote:
> Deckard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have this code to write three lines in a file (config.php):
>> $stringData = '$hostname = ' . $hostname . '\n' . '$mysql_username = ' .
>> $mysql_username . '\n' . '$mysql_user_password = ' .
>> $mysql_user_password . '\n';
>> but instead of breaking a line, it appears in the file the string \n
>> How can i make the line break ?
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Best Regards,
>> Deckard
> $stringData = '$hostname = ' . $hostname . "\n" . '$mysql_username = ' .
> $mysql_username . "\n" . '$mysql_user_password = ' .
> $mysql_user_password . "\n";
> (double quotes around the \n character.)
> -B

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