On 3 May 2001 20:19:51 -0700, YoBro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ASP or PHP and who has the biggest market share.

Which is better is a subject of some debate. Suffice it to say that most of the
people on this list will say PHP. I personally consider ASP a good idea only if
you have a heavy Microsoft environment.

As far as market share goes, that depends on how you measure it. I see more
high traffic sites using ASP (although PHP is starting to show up all over the
place) but according to the most recent E-Soft survey, IIS ran 778,377 sites
and PHP was installed on 646,045 (39.78%) Apache installations. Since not all
of the sites with PHP installed may use it (think hosting companies with
default installs) and since IIS is often used to run other scripting tools
(e.g. JSP, Cold Fusion, even PHP), I'm not going to try to adjust those numbers
- it'll probably balance out.

If you assume that percentage of PHP usage carries over to Netcraft's results,
around 7 million domains use PHP, handily out-numbering the 5.9 million IIS

(Disclaimer: all stats are for entertainment purposes only. Microsoft fans are
invited to pick a method which favors their choices.)

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