On Mon, October 9, 2006 12:32 pm, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> to an exisisting folder.  The moving folder part is not easy. the
> other
> functions like add, edit and delete and list sub folders is pretty
> easy
> with the parentID pointing to the parent directory.

To move a folder, you just change its parentID...

Can't get much easier than that...

I would advise you to seriously consider just writing an interface to
the OS file system instead of attempting to re-invent the wheel and
cram a bunch of stuff into your database.

Your OS file system *IS* a highly-tuned optimized full-featured
database already.  Duplicating all that behaviour is just plain silly,
almost-for-sure and will probably have zero added value.

Sit down and work out exactly what you "gain" by putting all this
stuff into the DB.  Make sure you understand the performance
benefits/losses.  Maybe even run some quick scaled tests to see what
"wins" you get.

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